Wednesday 15 September 2010

Google Instant - Causing global warming !!!

Global warming, Sounds familiar? Yeah we are all gonna die.  Anyway the search engine giant has released a new tech update to show their superiority to others by inventing instant searching called “Google instant”. Yeah I get it Mr. Google, but do you know you will not gain more search engine market share but more share in global warming out of this?

Do you know?
Each search engine query we run contributes for global warming? It has to be processed and fetch particular data from databases and then process back to us in a readable format right?? That is the theory behind this.

It takes a lot of power to do that. If you break it down into stages as your CPU power to type and search ISP, CPU power to rout and backbone, CPU power to build the link and Datacenter, CPU power to find information and compare, it’s a hell of a lot CPU process and again the stages are repeating backwards for you to see the result. This is the normal way the Google (has been) and all the other search engines work. But now Google is stepping out of the ordinary gang of search thugs and trying to make a point here. Its simply “we are better than you”. But will it help the well being of humans? Not really.

Do you know why?
Even to run a normal search query process as I explained you above, it takes a huge amount of CPU power, and it requires lots of energy. Obviously as we all know, considerable amount of that energy is transformed to heat and wasted too. All these wastes are for a normal search engine query performance. What now? Google does the above lengthy process again and again for each and every character you type in. Wow!

They are good aren’t they?
 Well in a way we can think of how advanced they are but it will only contribute a lot to global warming in the future. For each and every bit of energy the processors spend needs to be filled with energy we create using environment unfriendly ways, so that sucks. Plus as we all know, the heat that is generated by the CPU needs to be cooled down. We run fans and we spend extra electricity too.

People Say?
                Here are some thoughts we all know, but… no body actually give a shit about. 
Google needs to change there white background to darker background. “750 Megawatt hours per year if Google switched their background from white to black.”
                Turn off you monitor before you leave the desk. Are we really doing that?
More to come. … 


  1. Yes you are right. Google should think about this and save energy. But I am sure Google must have put some thoughts into this matter. They are No1 company in the world.

  2. Well... everyone is not perfect ... not even Google.. they could be wrong too... Remember the dilemma they faced yesterday?????

  3. so Google is killing us all faster?

    not only do they wana know every bit about us, what we do for a living, what we buy, where we shop and what diseases we have

    they wana kill us faster as well.

  4. You know, by your logic, posting on blogspot (or any web server for that matter) contributes to global warming.

  5. @Paulito - At least now you know it...thanks my blog post.. :D

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I'm going to keep using google anyway. This is a stupid argument.
